W.E.R.T.® Personality Profile

Personality models are being used more often in companies. The reason for this is that personality is a key success factor in economic activity. Whoever can comprehend, explain and cooperatively utilize the diversity of people can, in the long run, achieve more in contact with others and thus be more successful.
The W.E.R.T.® model distinguishes 4 types with specific characteristic values and motives.
The 4 W.E.R.T.® types are:


  •  (Leit-)Wolf (leading wolf)
  •   Entdecker (discoverer)
  •   Realisator (realizer)
  •   Teamplayer (team player)


The W.E.R.T.® model can be applied in the following areas:
  • Coaching?
  • Leadership?
  • Change Management?
  • Team development?
  • Sales?
More information on the W.E.R.T.® model can be found at www.wert-profil.de
Appointments on request.